12 June, 2018

SJW Hypocrisy In Game Design

Here is the text of a post by a game designer regarding the production of a project.  I like the designer's work, but... talent in game design does not mean clear thinking in politics.

Are you into tabletop RPGS?
Have you ever wanted to work on a game?
Are you a member of an underrepresented group in TTRPGs (Person of Color, Woman, Non-binary, Trans, Queer)?
If you answered yes to all three, we’d like to hear from you!* We’re looking for artist and writers to help us finish Orun!

*This does not mean we don’t want to hear from straight white guys, but it does mean you’re a straight white guy and you’re sending in an application, you’re going to have to work twice as hard to impress us half as much.

So here is the problem.  Civil rights, when it was a movement for good, recognized that there were talented people who were not white men, who were more competent than the white men who they were competing with in the workplace.  The logical thesis was that external factors (like race or sex) should not be factors in working but rather the quality and skill of the work.  The better writer or more crafty game designer should be preferred over the one who is less skilled as a writer or crafty as a game designer.  One should not get preferential treatment because of the color of their skin or the composition of their plumbing.

But here is Social Justice stepping in!  Here we have a naked example demonstrating that SJWs don't care about quality or skill more than they care about identity politics.  They are in fact more racist and sexist than those they revile, because that is the first criteria on their rubric... not the quality of the work.  This is a game that I have no interest in at all because the attitude about it's production is racist, sexist, and secondarily concerned with the game itself.  

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