11 September, 2016

Golden Cobra 2016


5 September to 5 October 2016

The goal of the 2016 contest is to generate elegant, expansive, uplifting games. Golden Cobras will be awarded in five categories:
  • Best use of somatic elements
  • Most culturally responsible design
  • Best use of magical realism
  • Funniest
  • Most Convention Ready
Optional ingredients:
  • dinosaurs
  • ghosts
  • parasites
  • stardust
In order to be considered for a Golden Cobra, your game must:
  1. Consist of one or both sides of an 8 ½ by 11 inch or A4 sheet of paper. (Minimum point size accepted is 8.)
  2. Games should be playable with zero to minimal prep.
Further rules:
  1. Be a new, unpublished freeform larp. It is neither a tabletop roleplaying game or a video game.
  2. Present your game in a readable, playable format (pdf preferred).
  3. Your name can only appear on one entry but teams are welcome.
  4. Submit your game by 5 October in .pdf format and in English to submissions@goldencobra.org. Parallel versions in other languages or other formats are encouraged.
  5. You retain all rights to your work but grant the judges permission to print out and play the game you submit, and for it to be included in a free anthology after the contest.
Freeform LARP?...:
What we call freeform larp occupies a middle space between tabletop and full-blown live action role playing. They come in all shapes and sizes, all along the spectrum and keep incorporating new things as they come along. As a rule of thumb if there are simple, clever game mechanics but you have to stand up and move around at some point, it's probably freeform larp! 

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