06 May, 2016

Pollyanna Gets Medieval

I have a mini game that came to me a little while back that I figured I would go ahead and write up finally.

The 200 Word RPG challenge was a good spur to writing it seems... wish I'd submitted this one.

This is inspired by an old book series... but then goes in a very gonzo direction.

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Once upon a time, there was a pleasant young girl named Pollyanna.  She found herself in an orphanage one Christmas, and she was the last one to get a gift out of the charity barrel.  Though she was hoping for a beautiful doll like the one she'd seen in the shop window, all she actually found was a pair of crutches.  She was at first sad, because what did she need crutches for?  But then she remembered what her wonderful Dad had taught her... always find something good about every situation you are in.  Then she cheered up, because the crutches reminded her how glad she was that she didn't need them.
And then the goblins came to burn down the orphanage...


Each round, one player will take a turn playing Pollyanna, while the rest play the goblins.  

Everyone will determine together what Pollyanna's goal is, and then play begins with the happiest player as Pollyanna and proceeds clockwise.  EDIT: The player to the first Pollyanna's right will declare the major problem for Pollyanna, e.g. "rescue the other orphans from the burning house".

Pollyanna will begin by declaring a simple, concrete action in pursuit of the goal.  There are as many steps to achieve the goal as players, and these should be noted in simple, concise terms.  EDIT: For example, in a four player game, Pollyanna might declare the steps to be: 1) get into the house, 2) get up the stairs, 3) make a rope of bed sheets to climb down, 4) get everyone out the window.  These are the goals that must be met in order to win.

The goblin to Pollyanna's left will then lay down a token and declare a simple, concrete obstacle EDIT: to Pollyanna's goal.  At the time that the goblin declares the obstacle, the goblin to his left EDIT: another player (but only one more) may also add a token and declare one way in which things get worse.  Pollyanna gets the token(s) if she can declare how that thing actually works in her favor.

EDIT: Pollyanna gets to keep all the tokens for which she can declare a benefit.  She can spend any tokens she has to declare a new detail to overcome or cancel a challenge on a one for one basis.

After Pollyanna overcomes that obstacle the role of Pollyanna proceeds to the next player.
EDIT: The previous Pollyanna player passes all remaining Pollyanna tokens to the next Pollyanna player, and takes one new token for themselves after passing the role on.  They may now act as a goblin.

At any time, Pollyanna may spend a single token to declare a new detail not previously introduced which either helps her or hinders the goblins.  The last player to be Pollyanna may spend all remaining tokens to get medieval on the goblins, and finish the story with why everything worked out better than she could have possibly imagined. 

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OK, this is somewhere closer to 350 words, but without the flavor text at the top, it is close to 200.  But that is the game.  Short, quick, pickup RPG.

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